Saturday, September 30, 2006

"I like the feeling of driving..."

Gilmores and Grey's
baseball, beer, cotton candy, Renteria and Chipper homeruns, the Rocket's last game, fireworks
late night talks
bluegrass and bbq
walks with roommates

Monday, September 25, 2006

not tripping on the borrowed robe
mix cd in the car
hymns accompanied by guitar Andy
i don't drink coffee

Sunday, September 24, 2006

"In the shadows of tall buildings..."

many days to cover:

picture day
wednesday night meditations
my pseudo-internship
new grey's
mix cds
the ease of familiar liturgy

Monday, September 18, 2006

"sniffing essential oils"

tiny people playing and swinging outside my office window
free lunch
the idea of John herding small animals whenever he studies
getting bits of work done
walks, talks and frisbee
hours of tv

the weekend

chinese lunch
wonderful students
surprise sightings of new friends and old
decent spiritual practices
a Kempis prayer

hand turkey compliments
hanging out with Anjie
not doing schoolwork
dinner and Jay Clifford at Eddie's
finding my drink

Saturday, September 16, 2006

class, meeting, focus, play, spectate

free lunch
having an office
writing like crazy -- 6 pages in less than 2 hours
random call from random friend with random awesome baseball tickets
sitting in the 2nd row behind the guest dugout
figuring out who Dontrelle Willis is
cotton candy, beer, pizza, and coke
73 pictures

Thursday, September 14, 2006

"only beauty is our burden here and that don't seem like such a heavy load"

soft hair
friends to keep me awake in class
kind professors in the early morning
a small but productive meeting about children
mimosa sorbet at Fake Jake's
designing a new service of centering
praying the psalms
things coming together
women with guitars and captivating voices
long days and hard-earned sleep

being part of the staff
an almost-full chapel
good classes
non-profit consideration
a Tallahassee evening

Monday, September 11, 2006

small groups

student lunch
a little frisbee
W'burg dinner

cello sounds like the human voice

being there when needed
well-received ideas
neutral turf
funny pictures from hunting for scavenges
so many cooks in the kitchen
explicating and defending tradition
and now, going to bed

Saturday, September 09, 2006

"Dry my Carolina tears with..."

live music, even solo
especially music you can't help closing your eyes to


an early morning prof, true to his word
cotton candy and burger and coke

chaufferring funny boys home

a cute new top