Wednesday, May 09, 2007


some recent highlights, in no particular order:

* painting a bit, and the hopes of an easel and 'studio'
* porch swing!!!
* Jay Clifford's unique voice & haunting melodies in a tiny venue
* Shannon visiting, helping me move stuff, and grilling awesome burgers
* gaining new-to-me furniture, including a kickin' tv stand
* lots of live music in the past month (Decemberists, Patty Griffin, Jay Clifford)
* multiple bacon outings of late
* gathering and celebrating with friends
* hanging out in my living room
* John's interpretive dances and J's determination to balance on the back of the couch
* Howard Thurman urging the world to listen to the sound of the genuine
* exploring Images
* getting an A in Polity
* finishing a degree
* final advising with LTJ, wherein he laughed at me a lot
* closure with the Wesley community
* studying two theologians (Thurman, Bonhoeffer) over one semester, seeing intersections and distinctions, and finding a theology of encounter
* WTM retreat (which I dreaded but which was really good and fun and helpful)
* friends who will still be around
* knowing I don't have to leave this place yet
* approaching ends and beginnings, with all the weight and mixed emotion that entails